Panda’s Room

Panda Room Timetable for 8am to 6pm children

Children are typically put into groups based on age. This supports the children to have meaningful experiences with children their age and keep the number of children in one space all at once to a minimum.

8.00 – 8.30Breakfast
8.30Name writing and Activity Time
9.30Phonics then play
10.00Snack Time!
10.30Gym time and Outdoor Play. In the Gym, we love to do Pilates, dance, and use all the equipment
2.00Focus Activities
3.30Tea Time
4.00Play Indoors and Out. We love to use the bikes and scooter when the school children have gone home!

This is not set in stone, often the children go on a nature walk or partake in Forest School.  We often have visitors or special enrichment activities for the children which alter the timetable.

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